Stakes & Posts for Nursery, Landscaping, & Agriculture

February 8-10, 2022 • Tulare, CA
Booth N40 

Our advanced quality wood stakes are manufactured from Phoenix’s new mill, Tioga Pacific.  Using super strong and durable Douglas Fir, come take a look the highest quality wood stakes, where you get direct input into the production of your stakes. 
Additionally, Phoenix offers steel rods for Pistachio and Walnut tree stakes, manufactured from premium high quality US made steel. Our wood and steel stakes are available in a wide variety of sizes and available for fast shipping throughout California, Arizona, Mexico, or anywhere in the North America. Come see us at the show!



February 28 - March 2, 2022
Omni La Costa Resort & Spa
Carlsbad, California

Come see us at the Pistachio Industry conference February 8 -11 in Tulare, CA.  Our advanced quality pistachio stakes are manufactured from super strong and durable Douglas Fir trees or can be manufactured from premium high quality steel. Our pistachio wood or steel stakes are available in a wide variety of sizes and available for fast shipping throughout California, Arizona, Mexico, or anywhere in the North America. Come see us at the show!


©2024 Phoenix Enterprises - 4731 W. Jennifer Ave. - Fresno, California 93722 - Phone: (559) 271-2377